Wow, awesome! And so damn clean and detailed! This is inspiring, I wish I could get so good results. :D
Wow, awesome! And so damn clean and detailed! This is inspiring, I wish I could get so good results. :D
Oh, my. This is incredible! Didn't get it was Clem at first, but I like it even more now that I know it. Great job! :)
Wow, I love that! I really enjoy the attention to details and the general mood of this illustration. :)
Bon boulot! C'est pas évident de tenir tout un mois!
Merci beaucoup, je vais dormir pendant tout Novembre!
C'est encore mieux de tous les voir d'un coup, comme ça! <3
Astie d'calice c'est gentil ça ma p'tite poutine !
Really liked it! It's so crazy and random... can't wait for more. :)
Elle fait quoi sur youtube? (aussi... finalement, t'as skippé le recrutement?)
Sinon, c'est super beau. J'ai bien comment en 5 couleurs tu fais un suuuuuper beau background.
Elle fait des videos tranche de vie, et ouaip j'ai skip l'armée, tel un prince.
Non mais pourquoi tout le monde iurebfw4386754br97iesybytrs
astie d'calice ! °v°
I draw, and animate a little bit too. Working in the video game industry, surprisingly! I like green, poutine, and long walks on the beach.
Age 32, Male
UI Artist
Joined on 7/23/12